
Whoopie Pies: Retro Treat of the Moment

If you're a fan of food Web sites, and you know you are, then you've probably seen lots and lots of pictures of yummy whoopie pies popping up on your computer screen over the past year or so. There is definitely a trend going on and The New York Times had a piece about this very topic in Tuesday's issue. There is something fun and playful about these nostalgic treats that makes them pretty hard to resist. The kitschy factor and their ability to evoke memories of childhood are a big part of their appeal. Let's face it, oftentimes, there's nothing better than a simple and homey dessert!

On the nontraditional front, the Times article mentions that some bakeries are experimenting with the classic whoopie flavors. Places like Cranberry Island Kitchen in Maine are spicing up their vanilla fillings with Cointreau, raspberry, and espresso. What do you think? Are you a whoopie purist or do you like the idea of fiddling with tradition?

Click here to read the complete New York Times article, which includes a section about the history of the name!

Update: After writing this post last week, I couldn't stop thinking about the pumpkin whoopie pies in the Baked cookbook. I've always thought that they looked really good, so I broke down and made them on Sunday. Yum, yum, yum, YUM!! Seriously, one of my all-time favorite desserts from one of my all-time favorite cookbooks!! The guys at Baked admit that they tweaked with the traditional whoopie recipe when creating their version (that's their pic above), so I suggest that you follow their recipe for maximum enjoyment! You can find it here, along with a video, on Martha Stewart's Web site. Yum! (p.s. The picture above is from Baked. My pics weren't quite so pretty!)


veggievixen said...

so pretty!

Julia from Dozen Flours said...

Pumpkin whoopie pies are my favorite flavor! I made them last year for a little cooking competition at work and they were a big hit, but BOY were they labor intensive!

I just bought baked and haven't made anything out of it yet... I have lots of pages marked though :)

Creative Classroom Core said...

I am still yet to make a whoppie pie, but want to. Yours look incredible! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I've been eyeing this recipe.

I am so not a pumpkin pie person that I am afraid to make pumpkin desserts but I do think this one looks intriguing. I love the other recipes from Baked that I have made.

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough get to try these and they were one of the best dessert EVER! I can't wait to have them again. "Baked" is fantastic..the BEST!


dessert girl said...

Sara, I'm a huge pumpkin fan, so I'm not sure if a nonpumkin lover would like these or not. I will say that they're more like pumpkin bread than pumpkin pie, if that helps at all. :-)

Justin said...

i've never made them, but I had some at a party last night and started thinking it would be fun to try. you beat me to it.

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